Category: The Resourceful Pagan

Tools of the trade, items of importance in your everyday life as well as special occasions.

Breaking the Curse

By Lark Neville Author Jeremy C. Shipp is never content to merely give his readers a diversion. Sure you laugh; you fall in love with his characters, are emotionally swept into his world; but his work is always so much…

Spices for Life

Magic of Herbs & Spices  by JoElle Martín     Every since I was a young girl I’ve loved herbs and spices.   I remember as a young girl living in Mexico going to outdoor street markets. The herb vendor…

For My Sisters

By Lark Neville Too many are the voices we hear, in our heart, from the lips of others, that denigrate, that scorn, that tell us we are something other than grace. Too frequent come the blows, the fists that would…

Weighty Tomes

By ComfyMom The pagan book section is well filled these days. There are more beginner books than you can shake a broomstick at and the intermediate and advanced categories are growing. There are books on just about every pagan type…

My First Witchy Book

By ComfyMom It was 1981. I was 13 years old. I had money from my summer job at a concession stand and there was a new mall only 20 miles away. There was a Waldenbooks in that mall & I…

Plug in yourself…

by Sarah Cyber-Pagan series #1 It’s a wonderful, enriching time to be alive.  The internet has opened our world to such amazing things. Meeting people around the world with only the cost of service.  Being able to search and find…

Tools of the Trade: Candles

Candles are one of my favorite and I think easiest of the tools there is. I mean…come on…it’s a candle. With everything I know caution needs to be used and it’s all based on intent. I had a friend ask…