What an Airhead

530020_sailing_on_the_windPart four of a four part series on working with the elements from a personal perspective

It’s not fair. It is not an unbiased opinion, my musings are completely one sided. This is an article extolling the glories of the element of Air from a dyed in the wool Air witch.

As with any element you have what Air is, and what it IS. We need Air, without it we would die. Plain and simple. If you live on this planet, you need the stuff, and here’s hoping that it is fresh, clean and plentiful. We are doing a lot to screw that up (but that is another article entirely).

If true Air form, I am going to talk about the existential properties of Air.

Air is about connections. From those connections comes understanding, yes, we are beings of Earth, our bodies as solid as the dirt we walk on, yes , it is Fire that gives us life, fuels us, and  yes, Water makes us into humans giving us emotion…but Air. Air is how we connect all the dots. Air is the light bulb on top of a person’s head, when they suddenly get it. Air is the system of highways, and the mode of travel. Air keeps us alive physically, but also spiritually.

We KNOW a lot in our spirits. Our spirits know all we need to, and they can be a constant source of guidance, and inspiration. Sometimes the feeling is one of complete interconnectedness that I could not put into words even if I tried. But sometimes that can be frustrating; to not be able to give words to something so beautiful, so healing. That is where Air comes in. The light bulb.

It is such an addicting feeling to “get it”. To understand a spiritual concept or happening. That is the reward of the end and beginning of the spiral/cycle of learning for me, the point of understanding when everything I have gone through comes into light. When I SEE the lesson and know what it meant. I get drunk off of that understanding, and have to keep myself from getting depressed when I am plunged back into the new moon darkness of a new cycle, like a baby starting to walk, I have to go back to that dark place of not-knowing. But ah, there is a light at the end of the spiral, the knowing.

There is a time to cognitively know, and a time not to. Sometimes we go through things, and we know exactly what they mean. Sometimes it is years later and the source of their meaning is finally known to us. Difficult times that have us asking WHY? can drain and frustrate us. Not knowing why can make it harder. The comfort you can take is that one day our brains will catch up and know why, but our spirits already do.

Trying to understand why in a time when our brains would explode with the knowledge of it is fruitless. It throws us into our heads…we don’t understand so we try harder. We try to figure it out. We work our brains hard to understand and all this does is take us out of the present moment and prolong the lesson. This is the pitfall of Air and the Air person. Thinking too much. Figuring too much, and missing life around us.

Too much Fire can burn us, too much water we can drown, too much earth and we forget to fly, and too much air? We forget to land.

Of all the elements Air has the ability to change the current of our life. Well placed words have swayed nations. The right word can change anything; the wrong word can ruin anything. In working with Air it is best to determine what it is we want to KNOW. Air is about knowing, and in its right timing can be an amazing ride.

Tips for working with Air:

  1. Use paper, and pen. Writing things down is especially powerful Air magic.
  2. Pay attention to movies, songs, and magazines. Listen to the messages the Universe is sending you through them.
  3. If the answer doesn’t come to you right away, trust that it will in its right time. Try not to think too much. Switch to working with Earth, to be grounded enough to receive the message when it does come.

1 comment for “What an Airhead

  1. inannasstar
    December 9, 2009 at 1:06 pm

    I never realized just how much Air magic I use in my life until I read this article. Mostly it’s incorporated with another form, but I thought I was completely devoid of this Element up until now. Yay, I’m not as off-kilter as I originally thought! Great article as well, thanks!

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