Investigations: Scientific vs. Psychic, Part One

gettysburg_ghost_smoke_1223844_lPart 1
By Angela Pippinger

In the olden days of paranormal investigations it was not uncommon for there to be a psychic on hand. Thanks to The Atlantic Paranormal Society and Eastern Paranormal, there has been new light shed on the scientific investigation. This has been excellent for pushing the paranormal into the light as a very valid study. At the same time, it appears that it has divided the investigative community. So in an effort to help bridge that divide, we are going to examine both sides.

With the latest onslaught of paranormal shows and their flashy gadgets, let’s start off discussing the scientific. For the beginner, it can be a daunting task obtaining the cameras, thermometers, and EMF detectors. Unless you have an endless flow of cash, obtaining the infrared cameras, laptops, and thermal cameras may take years or never be attainable. Nonetheless, scientific investigations can be done with a compass for EMF detector and a regular digital camera (or disposable). Even with these simple tools you can conduct an investigation very successfully.

A scientific investigation can be so amazingly rewarding. The very first EVP (Electronic Voice Phenomenon) or unexplainable mist in a photo can literally make an investigator jump up and down with excitement. Using photo evidence, EVP’s, EMF readings, and research on the history of the site, the investigator can confirm the presence of paranormal activity. At the same time, the scientific approach can debunk any “paranormal” occurrences that are actual occurrences due to structural defects or even weather related. Faulty wiring, loose pipes, and drafty windows can and will be detected. A site owner whom is nervous about ghostly possibilities can be reassured with a few simple repairs and their “occurrences” will stop.

What the scientific method cannot provide is direct communication to a spirit. EVP’s only catch small snippets of communication, not an actual conversation. Furthermore, the scientific investigation does not work to help a spirit move on and not linger on the earthly plane. It doesn’t make this method bad; it is simply not the goal of the scientific investigator. As for being scientific, there are no criteria set for obtaining evidence, unlike other areas of science. It is based on theories and leaves interpretations up to the individual researcher. So what one investigator may feel is legitimate evidence (ex: Orbs), another may not.

Despite these “cons”, we can see that the scientific method is valid and needed in the paranormal field. It has brought us new, cutting edge methods. It has brought us one step closer to understanding the afterlife.

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