Samhain; the Sabbat of Change

samhain-altarBy Lady Sayje

Samhain has always been associated with an “end” or “death” as it’s meaning literally translates to “end of summer”. Everyone, not just pagans, should take time to check their perspectives and attitudes this time of year. It’s easy to get down; summer fun is over, it’s getting cold, our world looks dry and barren, and work gets scarce for some of us. Yet a whole new pot of magical opportunities, just brewin’ away, is there; hot and simmering, waiting for us to dip in and see something new.

Just as we draw the “death” card in a tarot layout (and then we look up the meaning in our little leaflet because, lets admit it, we don’t actually KNOW the meaning of all the cards), we read something along the lines of; rebirth, great change, transformation, change in consciousness or spiritual growth. It doesn’t sound too bad to me. Actually, it sounds downright exciting! That is, IF you can deal with change.

To me, a big part of dealing with change is gratitude. We should be grateful for what we already have, what we have worked for, and what has been given to us, which were all a result of things CHANGING in our lives for the good. It’s been my observation that people only associate change with the negative. When something good happens, they don’t call it a “change”, it was a “blessing”, or “good fortune” or “luck”. Well, my friends, those are ALL forms of change. My goal here is to change your perspective this season, so your winter is a bit easier. Positive attitudes spread over you and through you. Not only is an attitude infectious to others, but you can affect the changes that are about to happen to you with it. What? That’s right, this power and light you have allowed yourself to recognize and adsorb, then spreads to everything else, if you just let it. I’m a big believer in positive thinking contracting positive results. After all, isn’t that what magick is all about? So instead of fearing change, welcome it, and I’m sure you’ll be impressed with what opens up to you.

So we’ve talked about attitude but let’s also deal with right here, right now. While we are being grateful and acknowledging what we already have, let’s protect it too, after all, we’ve worked hard to get where we are! Sabbats are an awesome time to take advantage of the abundant power of the earth. Why is there so much power during the sabbats? Because the earth itself is, that’s right, changing! Astrological configurations, gravitational pull, our mother’s rotation, are all changing! Grab hold of this wave and ride it’s power right into your intentions.

Samhain is the PERFECT time for protection charms and here’s one to help preserve what you’ve got to be grateful for;

Write 5 things you are grateful for on a small, square piece of paper, preferably in black ink. Place it into a small black bag, preferably of natural material like cotton, wool, or silk. Put in any amount of protection stones such as schorl, obsidian, hematite, black onyx, jet, agate, smoky quartz, lodestone, etc. Then add any protection herbs you wish such as, wormwood, angelica, belladonna, mint, mandrake, basil, clove, cinnamon, dragon’s blood resin, copal resin, frankincense resin, salt, rosemary, cayenne, etc. Now, add something personal, after all, you are protecting what’s YOURS, such as a picture of yourself, a lock of hair, a finger nail clipping, or a piece of jewelry you can live without wearing. Light a black candle, anoint it with oil, and sit in quiet, focusing on what you are grateful for and how hard you will work to protect it. Keep this charm bag where you will be around it most often; the car, your locker, your desk drawer, under
your mattress, in your purse, backpack, or pocket. The job of a charm is to give us a physical object to imbue with intent and, reciprocally, help remind of us our goal. Be reminded of what you are grateful for often. When a change occurs, and you have something new to be grateful for, write it down and add it to the bag. I bet your charm fills up with gratitude and blessings throughout the year, just like your life will. Blessed be your year and Happy Samhain!

3 comments for “Samhain; the Sabbat of Change

  1. October 29, 2009 at 11:00 am

    Thank you! It’s so nice to see an article that isn’t linking Samhain to Halloween. I also really needed to see this about change. Getting ready to go through some changes and I am nervous about possible “negativity” from it.

    Oh and a big THANK YOU for mentioning the leaflet with the Tarot. I feel guilty doing readings for friends since I have to continually flip through it lol.
    .-= Angela´s last blog ..Worker Fired For A God Pin? =-.

  2. October 29, 2009 at 7:40 pm

    Terrific article, especially speaking about gratitude!I have a weekly list on gratitude called “Serenity Sunday” and I can’t begin to express how important the attitude of gratitude is!
    .-= Liz Christy´s last blog ..Tarot Shadow Work- Coping Skills =-.

  3. October 30, 2009 at 12:39 am

    Great advice about embracing change … especially during this season.

    I’ve always loved the end of summer.

    Life is all about change. That is what makes it such a magical adventure!

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