Water, Water Everywhere

Part 2 in a four part series about working with the elements from a personal perspective.
By Retrokali

water_macro_drops_74796_lGlub. Have you had your eight glasses of water today? We need it, we really do, and like all the other elements, Air to breathe, Earth which we are made of, and Fire which is the spark of life, we need water. Not just from a physical perspective, but from a spiritual one.

Traditionally speaking the element of Water has been associated with emotions, dreams, psychic ability, and motherly love. So tell me you are no-nonsense, tell me that you have no place for emotions or sappy, weepy people, and I’ll tell you that you lie like a rug. We ARE emotional beings. We ARE watery beings. Water, the realm of the sacral chakra is really our first plumb line to spirit. It is our connector from root, earth, to the fumes (emotions) of our spirit. Male or female, no nonsense or crying at toilet paper commercials, to ignore water in your practice, is like, well not getting enough water daily. You dehydrate, dry out, have no energy, and miss the connection with our essential self.

Like Tarot is to the psychic, so is emotion is to our spirit. It is a language. It speaks to us of what is underneath that we don’t have words for. Very few of us allow each emotion to rise to the surface without suppressing it or judging it. If you are afraid of your emotions it is just because you haven’t learned to express them. Take anger for instance, did you know that this is the most common emotion expressed? Know why? Because it is safe, acceptable, makes you look stronger to others. If you are breaking down bawling into Kleenex (which is what you really want to do), then you will appear as weak as you feel. (At least this is the conditioned reasoning behind it).

Water reinstates our humanity, in a world where are reduced to robotic existences. We are constantly doing doing doing, and never feeling, taking time to well, I am going to say it, smell the flowers. In our teens we eagerly explore our feelings, even give ourselves over to them. Somehow when we become mothers, employees, caretakers, homeowners, we have to be responsible. And our emotions get left by the wayside.

Why am I fixated on emotions when there is so much more to water? Dreams, psychic ability? My friend, when you ignore emotions in your life and spell work, then these other things dry up in your life, too. Dreams, and psychic ability dwell alongside emotion in the watery realm of the fluid, you cannot grasp them. To open the door to emotion in your spell work and ritual is to open the door to widening your psychic perception, and dream receptivity. Water lubricates, makes things smooth, greases the wheels of life, and opens doors. Water opens doors to things that we want but maybe are blocking ourselves from. It opens doors to things that we cannot see; it opens doors to things we previously may have not known that we even wanted. With Water you have to be REAL with yourself, and as a witch, the more real you are, the more doors will open.

Some general guidelines for working with Water:

  1. Listen to what your emotions are telling you. Flow with them. See what you can uncover.
  2. Be freakin’ real with yourself. Everybody has different emotional states, and just because you don’t feel like crying, or yelling, or sadness, or repression, or happiness, or various other states, does not mean that you are not using your emotions. Uncover what YOU feel, not what you THINK you should feel.
  3. In a word, flow. If you want a specific outcome, but are kinda unsure about it, then water might be a good choice.

We need water, to drink, to bathe, to live. Don’t ignore it in your practice…and seriously, try to get eight glasses a day.

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